KA-171: Universidade de Vigo – Balkans
(Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000068875)

30 Student mobilities
23 Academic staff mobilities

Start date: 01/08/2022 – End date: 31/07/2025


  • Universidade de Vigo (coordinator) – UVIGO, Vigo, España
  • University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” , Vlora, Albania
  • International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Academy of Applied Studies of Kosovo and Metohija, Leposavić, Kosovo1
  • University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo
  • Mediterranean University, Podgorica, Montenegro

Project summary

This mobility project focuses on the following four target groups: (i) academic staff; (ii) PhD students; (iii) master students; and (iv) undergraduate students.

All teaching and research activities to be developed within this project should be aligned with the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) field, ISCED codes 0714 Electronics and automation, 061 Information and Communication Technologies and 068 Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving Information and Communication Technologies.

Mobilities distribution

This mobility project offers the following scholarships for mobilities:

Balkans to UVigo

University of Vlora to UVigo

  • 4 Bachelor/Master students (6 months)
  • 4 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)

University of Tuzla to UVigo

  • 3 Bachelor/Master/PhD students (6 months)
  • 1 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)

International Burch University to UVigo

  • 3 Bachelor/Master/PhD students (6 months)
  • 1 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)

Academy of Applied Studies of Kosovo* and Metohija to UVigo

  • 2 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)

University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica to UVigo

  • 4 Bachelor/Master students (6 months)
  • 1 PhD students (Blended, 6+6 months)
  • 3 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)

University Mediterranean to UVigo

  • 4 Bachelor/Master students (6 months)
  • 2 academic staff (5 days + 2 travel days)


  • Students doing long-term physical mobilities will receive 850 €/month + 360 € for the travel.
  • Students with fewer opportunities will receive an additional 250 €/month
  • Staff doing short-term physical mobilities will receive 160 €/day + 360 € for the travel

A participant with fewer opportunities is a person who faces obstacles that prevent effective access to the opportunities offered by the program for economic, social, cultural, geographic or health reasons, due to their immigrant origin, for reasons such as disability and learning difficulties or for any other reason, including those that may give rise to discrimination in accordance with the provisions of article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

In mobilities from Spain to countries not associated to the Program, students with fewer opportunities are defined by the Spanish National Agency as those who are in any of the following situations, not being cumulative with each other:

a) Have been a beneficiary of a general study grant from the Spanish National Administration to carry out university studies and other higher studies or of a scholarship from the Department of Education of the Basque Country, or a scholarship for schooling of non-university level students granted by the Department of Education of the Basque Country in the academic year immediately prior to the one in which the mobility is to take place, or in the academic year in which the mobility is carried out

b) Have refugee status or have the right to subsidiary protection or have presented
application for international protection in Spain.

c) Have a legally recognized and qualified disability of a degree equal to or greater than 33 percent, or an equivalent degree of disability, in the case of foreign students.

d) Any other situation that may be included in the framework of the SEPIE strategy for inclusion, pending approval.

Students traveling to Spain from any country not associated to the Program (incoming mobilities) that are in situations equivalent to those enumerated in the above section, once the equivalence is verified by the National Agency, will be considered as participants with fewer opportunities.

Am I eligible for mobility?

Academic staff should fulfill the following requirements (eligibility criteria):

  • Be enrolled, associated or working (fulltime) in one of the aforementioned HEIs at the time of submitting their application.


  • Those applicants enrolled at International Burch University, Bosnia-Herzegovina must have been employed at IBU at least 1 year and nominated by the Supervisor.
  • Those applicants enrolled at University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo2, must have a satisfactory level of English/Spanish proficiency (B2). Subject area (ISCED code) at home university corresponds with subject area at host university
  • Those applicants enrolled at University Mediterranean, Montenegro, must have a satisfactory level of English proficiency (B1, B2)

PhD students should fulfill the following requirement (eligibility criteria):

  • Must be enrolled in a PhD program at their home university at the time of application.


  • Those applicants from International Burch University, Bosnia Herzegovina, should have GPA of 8.00 or higher. Engineering students should have GPA of 7.5 or higher
  • Those applicants from University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo, must be enrolled as PhD students at least at 2nd semester. They must have a satisfactory level of English/Spanish proficiency (B2). Subject area (ISCED code) at home university should correspond with subject area at host university

Master students should fulfill the following requirement (eligibility criteria):

  • Must be enrolled in a Master program at their home university at the time foreseen for the mobility.


  • Those applicants from International Burch University, Bosnia-Herzegovina, should have GPA of 8.00 or higher . Engineering students should have GPA of 7.5 or higher
  • Those applicants from University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo, must be enrolled as master students at least at 1st semester. They must have a satisfactory level of English/Spanish proficiency (B1) Subject area (ISCED code) at home university should correspond with subject area at host university
  • Those applicants from University Mediterranean, Montenegro, must have a satisfactory level of English proficiency (B2)

Undergraduate students should fulfill the following requirement (eligibility criteria):

  • Must be enrolled in a Bachelor program at their home university at the time foreseen for the mobility


  • Those applicants from International Burch University, Bosnia-Herzegovina, should have a GPA of 8.00 or higher . Engineering students should have GPA of 7.5 or higher.
  • Those applicants from University of Pristina Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo, must be enrolled in at least the 3rd semester. They must have a satisfactory level of English/Spanish proficiency (B1)

Apply for a mobility (Balkans to UVigo)

The applicants must follow the instructions in this web page.

Documents requested for the application

The applicants should submit with the Application Form, a digital copy of the documents summarised in Table 1. The applicant is responsible for submitting all mandatory documents; otherwise the application will be immediately excluded.

Undergraduate or Master studentsPhD studentsAcademic Staff
Formal identity document/passportXXX
Certificate of affiliation at home institutionXXX
Transcript of records
(English or Spanish)
Language skills (English or Spanish)OPTOPTOPT
Brief summary of the foreseen activities at the host institutionXX
Motivation letterXX
Documentation to support your application for additional funding for students with fewer opportunitiesXX
Table 1 Summary of the documents to submit with the application form

The application form and the required scanned copies should be submitted by email to this address (teleco.subdir.internacional@uvigo.es), with the keyword [KA171] at the beginning of the subject of the email.

Evaluation and selection process

The submissions will be assessed by an international committee composed of 2 academic staff from each one of the two HEIs involved in the mobility:

All the applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Academic merit (up to 75%): transcript of records, quality and relevance, project proposal, teaching/working experience, etc.
  • Others aspects (up to 25%): language skills, etc.

The detailed criteria for the assessment of the candidates and the result of the assessment process will be published at the home institution web.

Acceptance process

All the selected candidates (Bachelor, Master and PhD students) must send, within 60 days after the publication of the results, and always before the start of the mobility, their Learning Agreement duly signed by all parts.

All documents should be send to the same email address used for submitting the applications (teleco.subdir.internacional@uvigo.es, with the keyword [KA171] at the beginning of the subject of the email)

In the event that the candidate must resign the mobility, he or she should send the Resign document duly signed.

During the mobility

Bachelor and Master students may make changes to their Learning Agreements during the first month after their arrival.

Students and staff need to inform on their arrival and departure days.

Students and staff must complete the EU enquiry regarding the mobility.

  1. This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence ↩︎
  2. This publication/website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein ↩︎
