For the EET, this collaboration university-company will promote that bachelor, master and doctorate students have a more diverse and working-world-oriented training. Moreover, Indra will be accompanied in its strategic plans thanks to the technological contents taught in the School. 


The activities of the chair follow these lines:

  • Creating a talent-recruitment programme that aims to achieve an excellent training for EET students.
  • Collaborating and supporting the Diffusion and Recruitment Plan of the EET focused on making visibility and spread activities for pre-university students about the contents taught in the School. This will also encourage them to pursue their scientific and technological vocations.
  • Collaborating in transversal activities within the Tutorial Action Plan (orientaTE) and the Mentoring Plan (MEET-Teleco).
  • Developing projects and programmes on scientific research and technology development and innovation.
  • Organising sessions, conferences, seminars and forums on relevant subjects from the chair’s field.
  • Promoting training activities that intend to recruit, specialise and update the competences of the members of the university community, with an eye to the competitive needs of the company.


Among the activities developed under the Indra-UVigo Chair, we can highlight the support to the Diffusion and Recruitment Plan of the EET focused on spreading science and technology in order to encourage the scientific and technological vocations of the newest students. However, there are many other remarkable activities like sponsoring the Teleco National Olympiad, a competition for highschool and medium or higher level vocational training students; collaborating in the orientaTE plan and the MEET-Teleco mentoring programme; promoting scientific and technological events, as well as developing projects and programmes on scientific research and technology development and innovation.

2024 activities

In the year 2024, the Indra-UVigo Chair promoted and sponsored the following activities:

  • This day is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of April and was established in 2010 by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations agency specialised in telecommunication. Its objective is to encourage technological vocations in women and girls, as well as to reduce the gender digital gap.

  • This international day -11th February-, approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015, aims to achieve full and equal access and participation of women and girls in the scientific field. It is a day of remembrance that serves as a reminder that women have a fundamental role in science and technology.
  • 441 students from 20 secondary education centers throughout Galicia participated in the II Teleco Olympiad on April 25, 26, and 27.
  • The sponsoring companies, including the Indra Chair, support us by purchasing materials for the teams participating in the competition, and also the Indra Chair sponsors the four prizes in the ESO teams category
  • ­The chair collaborated in the graduation ceremony of the XI class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (GETT), the III class of the Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (BTTE) the IX class of the Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (MET) and classes I to IV of the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (MUniCS).
  • In this event, Indra participated with a speech by Mr. José Miguel Pascual Ruiz, Director CoC HW and R&T at Indra T&D. Indra also collaborated by sponsoring a special gift for our students: a sweatshirt with a design created by the illustrator Davila specifically for our institution:
  • More information about this celebration event can be found in the following link:

2023 activities

In the year 2023, the Indra-UVigo Chair promoted and sponsored the following activities:

  • The University of Vigo and the company Indra, leader in communications technology in Spain, set the Indra-UVigo Chair in engineering and technology on 28th February 2023. This way, the collaboration between the School of Telecommunication Engineering (EET) and Indra has been institutionalised. Its aim is to boost from the EET the training of students to professionally work in areas of the company related to their university training and their potential career opportunities. Meanwhile, this promotes continuous training, innovation and research.

  • Thanks to the support of the chair, part of the work kits for the participating teams was acquired. The chair also supported this initiative by sponsoring the three prizes in the team competition category for secondary education.
  • More information about the competition event can be found in the following link:
  • More information about the results can be found in the following link:
  • A lecture titled “Business Excellence through Industrial Doctorate” was delivered by Raquel González Ibáñez, explaining Indra’s initiative to promote doctoral studies among its staff.
  • The recording of the lecture can be accessed through the following link:
  • ­The chair collaborated in the graduation ceremony of the X promotion of the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (GETT) and the VIII promotion of the Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (MET).
  • In this event, Indra participated with a speech by Mr. José Ignacio Ulizar Álvarez, Director of Engineering and Technology at Indra T&D. Indra also collaborated by sponsoring a special gift for our students: a sweatshirt with a design created by the illustrator Davila specifically for our institution:
  • More information about this celebration event can be found in the following link:

During the first week of the course, students had the opportunity to participate in the first three activities of the integraTE program sponsored by the Indra-UVigo Chair in Engineering and Technology

The Indra Chair collaborates in providing computer equipment for the center’s laboratories.

On October 19th, an exceptional conference on cutting-edge technology in the field of Radar Systems and Electronic Warfare (EW) took place at the School of Telecommunication Engineering (EET) by Indra.