The exchange programme KA131 belongs to the Erasmus+ programme. Its aim is to enable mobility for students from educational agencies of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

If you are interested in having an unique experience like studying in another university of the EHEA, this is your chance. Cultural and academic immersion in a foreign university will broaden your knowledge of other languages, you will get to know how people from other countries work and study and it will definitely boost your labour opportunities when you get back.

How to participate

The EET has multiple agreements with several renowed universities, like the Ghent University, the Technical University of Munich, the University of Bologna, the University of Lodz and the Eindhoven University of Technology.

You can enjoy a paid stay up to 12 months by applying in the annual call of the University of Vigo. The spot assignation follows these criteria:

  • Academic record (average grade).
  • Your certified level of the language required by the hosting university.
  • Additional requirements specified by the hosting university.

If you want to take part in the Erasmus+ KA131 programme, you have to take into account:

If you are in the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering:

  • The study plan is designed for stays in the first semester of the fourth year.
  • You need to have passed at least 114 ECTS of the 132 ECTS from Basic Training and Telecommunication modules of the degree. This requirement does not apply for exchanges inside the Spanish university system.
  • You must certify a B1 in the teaching language of the hosting university, except for Portugal and Italy.
  • The hosting university may establish additional requirements that will be specified in the call.
  • You need to feature at least between18 and 36 ECTS per semester in the hosting university.
  • You will have to sign a learning agreement with the person in charge of academic mobilities (Assistant Director of International Relationships of the EET).

If you are in the Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering:

  • The study plan is designed for stays in the second year.
  • You need to have passed at least 50 ECTS of the 60 ECTS from the first year.
  • You must certify a B2 in the teaching language of the hosting university, except for Portugal and Italy.
  • The hosting university may establish additional requirements that will be specified in the call.
  • You need to feature at least between15 and 30 ECTS per semester in the hosting university.
  • You will have to sign a learning agreement with the person in charge of academic mobilities (Assistant Director of International Relationships of the EET).


Questions or more information

Assistant Director of International Relationships
of the School of Telecommunication Engineering