What is informaTE?
But what do you study in “Teleco” ?
What can I work as when I finish “Teleco” ?
Do you have any of these questions in mind? With the new informaTE program, you will be able to get answers to all these questions and more by talking directly with current students, faculty members, or professionals from telecommunications companies.
Don’t leave your questions unanswered and come study with us!
What does it involve?
The Tutorial Action Plan of the School of Telecommunications Engineering (EET) has just received a new program: informaTE. Aimed primarily at prospective students, it will help obtain first-hand information about the studies we offer before entering the school. This information can be obtained in person or online via video conferences and can come, at the request of applicants, from:
- Telecommunications sector companies: to learn about professional opportunities
- School faculty: to gain more detailed knowledge about the studies
- Current school students: to get information that is closer generationally to the applicants.
The informaTE program can also be used by parents or guardians of prospective students, secondary and vocational education guidance counselors, and first-year students of our degrees to learn about the different specializations, their professional prospects, and the possibilities of continuing studies in master’s or doctoral programs.
Is there more information?
If you want more information about the action in general or about any of its aspects, you can see the following documents about the people and entities collaborating in the program:
Do you want to participate?
Get in touch using the following link:
Questions or more information
Coordination of the Tutorial Action Plan
of the School of Telecommunication Engineering