We are aware that it is not always easy to come to visit us at the school, so we have several options in which we come to your centre to talk to the students.
Sending of informative leaflets
We send a dossier and descriptive leaflets to all Galician pre-university schools where we publicise the degrees of our centre, the activities we do in the field of research and witnesses of students and graduates about life in the EET.
Informative talks
In the following presentation sheets (PDF, Spanish) of the outreach talks we offer at pre-university centers, you can explore the topics we cover: the functioning and possibilities of 5G, how a drone works, security in mobile devices, mathematics in telecommunications, the Internet of Things (IoT), or artificial intelligence.
Fifteen of these talks are given by EET faculty members, and seven are presented by professionals from partner companies that support the EET through the ConexiónTeleco initiative.
We tailor each talk to match the academic level of your students to ensure a better understanding of the topics related to the studies we offer. Our goal is to spark interest in technical studies from an early age. We can deliver these talks online or in person:
Elias Pérez Carrera, from quobis:, at CPR Plurilingüe San José, in Pontedeume
Tomás Prado, from Optare, at CPR Plurilingüe Amor de Dios, in Vigo
Jaime González González, at IES Mendiño, in Redondela
Fernando Martín Rodríguez, at IES Francisco Asorey, in Cambados
Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, at CPI Ponte Carreira, in Frades, A Coruña
Íñigo Cuiñas, at IES María Soliño, in Cangas
Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, at IES María Soliño, in Cangas
Degrees presentation
Periodically and in coordination with the educational centers, we organise visits to inform about the undergraduate studies we offer. In these visits, final year students, accompanied by a professor from the centre, provide information about life at the EET, the practice of the profession, the high level of job placement, the student associations in which the students of the centre are involved, etc.
Visibilisation of women in the field of Telecommunications
Through the inspiraSTEAM programme, several teachers from our school collaborate in the visibility of women in STEAM professions, particularly in the field of Telecommunications. Through six mentoring sessions aimed at students in the last year of primary education, workshops and talks are held to address the gender gap that exists in the STEAM field.
Participation in the STEMbach programme
EET offers several research projects in collaboration with secondary schools in Galicia, within the framework of the STEMbach programme. You can also find, organised by biennium, the projects proposed by EET. These projects allow STEMBach students to develop a project related to research and technological development work done by EET teachers, thus promoting the acquisition of STEM skills and awakening their interest in the degrees taught at the centre.
Informative talks for secondary education teachers and guidance teams
At the School, we consider of great importance that teachers and secondary guidance teams have updated, reliable and first-hand information about the degrees we offer. Normally, these talks are organised in the Education Delegations of each province, although we also give specific talks in the centres that require it.
Come visit us!
Contact the Subdirection of Dissemination and Recruitment through this e-mail: teleco.subdir.captacion@uvigo.gal