25/06/2024 Captación Teaching Telecommunication Engineering Launches a Dual International Master's Degree with the Polish University of Lodz
24/06/2024 Captación Teaching The EET offers a new University Master's Degree in Internet of Things - IoT (MUIoT)The EET offers a new
07/05/2024 Captación Life in school More than 300 people get to know at the Verbum the technological solutions with which the Telecommunications Engineering students connect everyday life
02/05/2024 Captación Life in school The final of the local phase of the II Teleco Olympiad brings together more than 300 students from Secondary Education, High School, and Vocational Training.
18/02/2024 Captación R+D+i A EET acolle a primeira edición de TalentoCiberR, un evento que busca visibilizar o talento en ciberseguridade en Galicia
14/02/2024 Captación Teaching The School of Telecommunication Engineering obtains the Employability Distinction from the University of Vigo
30/01/2024 Captación Life in school Premios ao alumnado de novo ingreso no GEET cos mellores expedientes de entrada no curso 2023/2024