Telecommunication Engineering Launches a Dual International Master's Degree with the Polish University of Lodz

A maximum of 10 students may participate: five from Lodz and five from Vigo.

The University of Vigo will increase its offer of dual international degrees next year with the launch of a dual master’s program that combines the Master’s in Telecommunication Engineering, taught at the School of Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Vigo, and the Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunication from the Technical University of Lodz in Poland. This is outlined in an agreement signed on Monday at the rectorate by the Rector of the University of Vigo, Manuel Reigosa, and previously signed by his counterpart in Lodz, Krzysztof Jóźwik.

The signing of the agreement takes place within the framework of a visit to the School of Telecommunication Engineering by a delegation of faculty from the University of Lodz, including professors Ewa Raj, Piotr Korbel, and Jacek Podgórski. They have been working on this project for about two years in collaboration with the management team of the School of Telecommunication Engineering and the coordinators of the Master’s in Telecommunication Engineering.

“For us, signing this type of agreement is a great joy,” emphasized Reigosa after the signing. He highlighted the “significant number of opportunities” these agreements provide for both institutions and expressed his pride in the international advancements achieved by the School of Telecommunication Engineering and the atlanTTic research center.

Internships in Spain and Poland and Master’s Thesis Defense in Vigo

According to the established agreement, a maximum of 10 students can participate in the program, five from the Technical University of Lodz and five from the University of Vigo. “To participate in the program, students from the University of Vigo must pass the admission process for the Master’s in Telecommunication Engineering and then undergo a second selection process for this dual master’s program based on their academic results, motivation, and level of English,” explained Rebeca Díaz, Director of the School of Telecommunication Engineering, who attended the signing of the agreement accompanied by Professor Manuel García Sánchez, the current coordinator of the Master’s in Telecommunication Engineering.

The educational plan for students participating in this program stipulates that two semesters will be completed in person at each university. In the third semester, students from the Technical University of Lodz will do internships in Vigo, while students from the University of Vigo will do their internships in Lodz. Additionally, all students enrolled in this dual international master’s program will spend the last semester at the University of Vigo, where they will have to defend their Master’s Thesis.

Multiple Parallel Activities

The work carried out over the past two years to achieve the dual master’s degree falls within the framework of the ActiveD2 project (Active DoubleDegree: Implementation of a Collaboration Study Model Based on Active Teaching and Learning Methods), funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Various activities are being carried out under this project.

Last April, the Technical University of Lodz invited faculty from the universities with which it has established dual degree agreements to participate in a workshop on mentoring in education: Coaching as the innovative teaching and learning tool, conducted by professional trainers Rafal Nykiel and Katarzyna Buss-Nykiel. Professors from ECAM La Salle University in Lyon, France; Technical University of Lodz, Poland; Arts et Métiers, Bordeaux, France; and the University of Vigo participated, with faculty members Manuel García Sánchez, the current master’s coordinator, and Iñigo Cuiñas traveling to Lodz.

Additionally, in June, the School of Telecommunication Engineering was visited by faculty members from the Technical University of Lodz: Ewa Raj, Piotr Korbel, and Jacek Podgórski. They had a busy schedule that included attending the signing of the agreement at the University of Vigo’s rectorate and participating in various meetings focused on planning aspects of the dual master’s program and the offering of external internships.

To explore internship options and Master’s Thesis projects in companies, visits were made to the offices of BorgWarner, a member company of conexionTeleco.

Finally, during the week of June 10th, three faculty members from the EET—Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, the school’s director; Manuel Fernández Veiga, and María Dolores Valdés Peña, both instructors in the Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering—visited Lodz to continue working on the planning and promotion of these studies.

The purpose of this visit was to detail the possible master’s theses that could be undertaken at both locations for students from both universities in line with the research areas conducted at both institutions and to explore potential collaboration with companies associated with both schools.

Source DUVI and EET’s X channel.