Lume I, fourth Galician satellite launched

A Soyuz2 despegando co Lume I a bordo

The three previous satellites were also developed at the University of Vigo. This initiative is part of the Hiere- RS project integrated in the Interreg- SUDOE which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The project has the collaboration of the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France) and the University of Porto with the objective of detecting, monitoring and predicting the evolution of forest fires.

Lume I is a CubeSat class 2 U-type pico satellite, which means it has dimensions of 20x10x10 centimeters and a takeoff weight of 2.1 kg. It was carried into space on the Russian Soyuz-2 rocket from the Siberian Vostochny Cosmodrome.

The satellite has a software-defined radio, TOTEM, developed at the University of Vigo, which facilitates transmissions between sensors installed on the ground and drones in charge of locating the fire and delimiting its dimensions. Currently it is still operating in Earth orbit and our colleague Fernando Aguado Agelet continues to coordinate the work of the UVIGO team.