Creation of the R Chair in Cybersecurity

The R Chair in Cybersecurity was the first inter-university chair in Galicia, with an agreement between the company R, the University of Vigo and the University of A Coruña (UDC).

Directed by Professor Ana Fernández Vilas, it consists of a coordinating committee with representation from the Faculty of Computer Science of the UDC. For the EET, it is an important milestone in its relationship with the business community and a clear reinforcement of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity, given that its basic pillars of action are:

  1. Promoting the professional skills of university students
  2. mprovement of training in the field of Cybersecurity.
  3. Broadening or updating of the technical knowledge or skills of members of the university community or other professionals to adapt them to the needs of the company
  4. Promotion of continuous training and innovation in Cybersecurity Research.