rurAllure (2021-2024), is led by the University of Vigo under the coordination of the professor of our School, Martín López Nores. It has the collaboration of 15 partners from 6 European countries. It was the first project of the European H2020 call to be led from the EET.
It highlights the multidisciplinary nature of the R&D carried out at the School, putting advances in information services, personalization technologies and intelligent planning at the service of the promotion of the cultural heritage surrounding Europe’s pilgrimage routes. The project’s technological platform is proposed as a tool to make contributions in the fields of tourism, culture and rural development, mobilizing all relevant actors, from small accommodation and catering businesses to tourism companies and representatives of the creative and cultural industries, not forgetting public institutions from the municipal to the European level.
Photographs of rurAllure meetings (click to zoom in):