The EET offers a new University Master's Degree in Internet of Things - IoT (MUIoT)The EET offers a new

In the study Galicia 2030: Future Professional Profiles and New University Degrees and Specializations, conducted by the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional from Xunta de Galicia in collaboration with FEUGA, it is highlighted that all consulted sectors, including strategic sectors of Galicia such as automotive, energy, shipbuilding, healthcare, and the textile sector, consider IoT a priority and foresee an increase in the demand for professionals with expertise in IoT.

The Master’s Degree in Internet of Things, jointly proposed by the 3 public universities in Galicia and considered strategic by the Xunta de Galicia, offers a level of specialization in the IoT field that currently does not exist in the University System of Galicia (SUG).

The master’s program consists of 60 ECTS, divided modularly into four bimester periods, with three specializations (IIoT, Society 5.0, and Connected Vehicle).

Why Study This Degree?

In addition to the growing demand for IoT technology and experts in this field, other highly important characteristics make the training offered in this Master’s program enormously attractive:

  • Interdisciplinarity: IoT is a technological discipline that combines knowledge of computer networks, programming, electronics, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, among others. This allows students to acquire a comprehensive and versatile education, applicable in multiple sectors.
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: IoT is a constantly evolving field. Studying a master’s in this area provides the opportunity to be at the forefront of technological advancements and potentially develop innovative projects and solutions. Additionally, it is a fertile ground for technological entrepreneurship, given the wide range of applications and the constant need for new solutions.
  • Social and Economic Impact: IoT has the potential to transform various industries, allowing IoT professionals to work on highly interesting projects with the potential for positive societal impact and improving people’s quality of life.

In summary, studying this master’s in IoT not only prepares students for one of the most dynamic and promising areas of modern technology but also gives them the opportunity to be agents of change in an increasingly interconnected and technology-dependent world.