One way to establish a strategic, broad, qualified and stable collaboration with the business environment and foundations or entities are the company chairs. Those initiatives ─beyond the economic perspective─ allow to bear fruits that directly benefit both parties through jointly planned teaching, training and research strategies.
In this way, a particularly interesting collaboration model for the future of the participating entities is created. In this model, the company or entity commits to an annual financial contribution equivalent to the salary of a university professor and the chair can be named according to its objectives. The activities that can be included in the framework of the chair are plural and range from the training and exchange of personnel and experiences to the realisation of R&D projects.
For the better functioning of the chair, a monitoring committee is created, made up of representatives of both entities. It is responsible for selecting the activities, monitoring them and resolving any needs that may arise.
Current chairs
EET participates in the following chairs:
Indra-UVigo Engineering and Technology
Date of stablishment:
1 February 2023
Chair Directors:
Professor Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, Director of the Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación, in delegation of the rector of the Universidade de Vigo
Steering Commitee:
- Prof. Manuel García Sánchez
(Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering) - Prof. Pedro S. Rodríguez Hernández
(Deputy director of Dissemination and Recruitment of the Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación) - Prof. Enrique Costa Montenegro
(Coordinator of the Tutorial Action Plan of the Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación) - Ruth del Carmen Escarda Iglesias (Indra)
- Manuel Angel Otero Chantada (Indra)
- Jesús Manuel Coast Pazo (Indra)
- Javier Piñeiro Rodríguez (Indra)
- Jesús Ángel García Sánchez (Indra)
Activities of the chair:
- Collaboration and support in the Plan of Diffusion and Catchment of the EET for the realisation of activities of scientific and technological divulging that redunden in the visibility, the diffusion, the knowledge and the practice of the studies that give in the EET, and with this, boost the scientific and technological vocations between the new alumnado.
- The creation of a program of catchment of talent, that have by purpose the training of excellence of the alumnado of the EET.
- The impulse of activities that allow the diffusion of the educational activity and researcher of the educational personnel and researcher of the EET.
- The collaboration in transversal activities to the teaching, especially in the field of the Plan of Action Tutorial (orientaTE and mentoring MEET-Teleco)
- Promote the set up of formative activities that have by object the qualification, specialisation and update of competitions of members of the university community attending to the competitive needs of the company.
- Organise days, conferences, seminars or forums, in the fields of own studies of the Chair.
- Promotion in scientific and technological events related with subjects of interest in the field of the Chair.
- Conjoint realisation of Projects and Programs of Scientific Investigation, Development and Technological Innovation.
- Divulging of the activities of the Chair.
MN Chair in Technological Entrepreneurship [FINISHED]
Date of stablishment:
2019 (valid for 2 years).
Chair Directors:
Professor Carmen García Mateo, on behalf of the Rector of the University of Vigo.
Chair activities:
It involves the stable collaboration between the University of Vigo and MN PROGRAM in order to promote the development of professional skills of university students, improve training, expand or update the knowledge, techniques or skills of members of the university community or other professionals. Its aim is to adapt them to the needs of the company, promote lifelong learning, innovation and research in the following areas:
- Robotic process automation.
- Biometric identification.
- Language engineering and speech interfaces.
- Advanced artificial intelligence techniques.
- Advanced and massive data management/Big Data.
Deloitte Advisory Chair [FINISHED]
Date of stablishment:
21/12/2016 (valid for 4 years).
Chair Directors:
Professor Iñigo Cuiñas Gómez, on behalf of the Rector of the University of Vigo.
Chair activities:
It involves the stable collaboration between the University of Vigo and Deloitte Advisory in the creation of a talent recruitment programme, which aims to train students of the University of Vigo with a good academic record, innovative capacity and a good level of English. It will promote the implementation of training activities that aim to train, specialise and update the skills of members of the university community and external professionals to meet the competitive needs of the company. A system of internships will be promoted for maximum periods of six months for students or recent graduates of the University of Vigo, after a selection through a regulated process. Congresses, conferences, seminars or forums will be organised in the fields of studies of the chair. The publication of studies or scientific or divulgation works will be promoted, referred to the fields of studies of the chair.
R Chair in Cybersecurity
Date of stablishment:
Chair Directors:
Professor Ana Fernández Vilas, on behalf of the Rector of the University of Vigo.
Chair activities:
It involves the stable collaboration between the University of Vigo and R to promote the development of professional skills of university students, improve training, expand or update the knowledge, techniques or skills of the university community or other professionals. Its aim is to adapt them to the needs of the company, promote continuous training, innovation and research in the area of cybersecurity. Under the umbrella of this generic objective, the strategic lines of action of the R Chair in Cybersecurity are:
- Collaboration in teaching and research, especially in the Master’s Degree (UVigo-UDC) in Cybersecurity (munics.es).
- Creation of a talent attraction programme aimed at achieving academic excellence in the Universities of Vigo and A Coruña.
- Promotion of activities that allow the creation of spaces for debate and dissemination of teaching and research activities in the field of cybersecurity.
- Promotion of actions that stimulate the training, specialisation and updating of the competencies of the university community and professionals from outside the university community, attending to the competitive needs of the company.
Oesía Chair
Date of stablishment:
September 1, 2024
Chair Directors:
Professor Óscar Rubiños López and Professor Ana Vázquez Alejos, from the School of Telecommunication Engineering (Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación), representing the Rector of the University of Vigo.
Steering Commitee:
- Óscar Rubiños López (EET Professor)
- Ana Vázquez Alejos (EET Professor)
- 2 members from Oesía
Chair Activities:
The Oesía Chair aims to strengthen the collaboration between the University of Vigo and the Oesía Group through training, outreach, and R&D&I promotion activities in the field of communication technologies. The activities carried out under the Chair are designed to promote technological innovation and academic excellence among students and researchers of the School of Telecommunication Engineering.
Training Activities:
- Organization of seminars and conferences on advanced communication technologies.
- Inclusion of specific projects in the “Project Laboratory” course of the 4th year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering.
- Promotion of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral thesis projects with applied research components.
- Sponsorship of scholarships and awards for bachelor’s projects, master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations in areas related to the Chair’s focus.
- Development of complementary activities such as technology competitions and academic challenges to encourage innovation among students.
- Participation in the Industrial PhD program call.
- Establishment of an advanced laboratory for teaching in the field of advanced radio technologies.
Propose a chair
If your organisation is interested in defining a chair
with the School of Telecommunication Engineering,
please contact the school management team.