The degree has more than 50% of practical training, between laboratory and team work. In addition to technological training, project management and other transversal competencies are taught. The temporal configuration of the curriculum facilitates national and international mobility in the final year or internships in companies.

The courses are distributed in four academic years, with the following general lines:

  • The courses (except two of them) are configured with a duration of 6 ECTS, grouped into subjects and modules.
  • Each semester, with the exception of the last one (second semester of the fourth academic year), consists of five courses.
  • The Basic Training (FB) module, consisting of 10 subjects (60 ECTS), provides the student with the basic competences expressed in the Order CIN/352/2009, and is developed almost completely in the first academic year, with two courses remaining in the first semester of the second year.
  • The compulsory training module or Telecommunication module (TE), of 12 courses (72 ECTS), is developed mainly in the second year, with two courses in the first year and two courses in the third year. In this module, the student acquires the competences called common competences of telecommunication in the Order CIN/352/2009, reinforced by two additional compulsory courses.
  • Most of the third year is dedicated to the technological profile modules or specialities. The student must choose one of the four proposed modules. Each of them consists of eight courses (48 ECTS) and develops one of the technologies associated with the profession of telecommunications engineering: Telematics (TEL), Electronic Systems (SE), Telecommunication Systems (ST), and Sound and Image (SI).
  • At the end of the third year, the student achieves all the competencies that enable them to work in one of the branches of telecommunications engineering, apart from those contained in the Final Degree Project (TFG). This greatly facilitates mobility in the last year of the degree.
  • The first semester of the fourth year is devoted entirely to electives. This elective term facilitates student mobility. In total, the student must take 30 ECTS in electives from an offer consisting of:
    • The optional courses offered within the mention itself.
    • The set formed by the courses of the third year of the mentions that they did not take.
    • Internships in companies, which are also considered optional and may involve the validation of 6 or 12 ECTS.
    • Recognition of credits: The University of Vigo recognises up to 12 ECTS for languages learned during the university stage or for different social, sports or cultural activities.
    • Mobility: The credits taken in other Universities as a result of mobility will be recognised as electives as decided by the Academic Committee and incorporated to the student’s transcript. For this purpose, five courses of 6 ECTS each, called Mobility I to V, are incorporated. 
  • Finally, the last semester of the degree consists of two modules: Engineering Projects (18 ECTS) and the Final Degree Project module (12 ECTS).

Mention in Telecommunication Systems

(48 ECTS)

Mention in Electronic Systems

(48 ECTS)

Mention in Telematics

(48 ECTS)

Mention in
Sound and Image

(48 ECTS)

Telecommunication Systems Electives

(30 ECTS)

Electronic Systems Electives

(30 ECTS)

Telematics Electives

(30 ECTS)

Sound and Image Electives

(30 ECTS)

This distribution of compulsory ECTS, compulsory of mention/technology, and electives, is reflected in the following table, in terms of courses and temporality.

First year

Mathematics: Calculus IMathematics: Calculus II
Mathematics: Linear AlgebraMathematics: Probability and Statistics
Physics: Fundamentals of Mechanics and ThermodynamicsComputer Science: Computer Architecture
Company: Fundamentals of BusinessPhysics: Linear Circuit Analysis
Programming IProgramming II

Second year

Physics: Fundamentals of ElectronicsElectronic Technology
Physics: Fields & WavesElectromagnetic Transmission
Digital ElectronicsSignal Transmission and Reception Techniques
Data Communication Fundamentals of Sound and Image
Digital Signal Processing Computer Networks

Third year

Internet ServicesTechnology IV
Programmable Electronic CircuitsTechnology V
Technology ITechnology VI
Technology IITechnology VII
Technology IIITechnology VIII

Fourth year

Elective ITechnology Management and Direction
Elective IILaboratory of Projects
Elective III
Elective IV: InternshipFinal Degree Project
Elective V: Internship