The SGD seeks to consolidate a culture of quality in the university environment. Its consideration as a decisive factor to meet the educational expectations of its graduates and its recognition in the academic, professional and social environments, in which they are integrated, form the basis of the quality policy of this centre.
For this purpose, we are committed to use all available human and material resources in compliance with the current regulations and in coherence with the established criteria and guidelines. Therefore, based on the above, we establish some lines that constitute our quality policy and some objectives set by the SGIC.
Quality policy guidelines
- Maintain an educational offer linked to the needs and expectations of the society in order to consolidate high levels of quality in the degrees, without renouncing the academic foundations of the university based on the development of knowledge, a critical spirit, and the capacity for analysis and thinking.
- Achieve national and international recognition for quality teaching by achieving goals associated with academic indicators with special relevance to those related to the satisfaction of interest groups.
- Facilitate the extension of the culture of quality and continuous training in quality for teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students, promoting the efficiency and continuity of the systems and processes linked to it.
- Ensure the implementation, development and monitoring of the internal quality assurance system (SGIC) and all processes related to quality that affect the centre and its degrees.
- Ensure gender-sensitive teaching, research, management and knowledge transfer to remove the obstacles that prevent real equality between women and men.
- Achieve a permanent commitment to continuous improvement as a standard of conduct, and to propose and take the necessary actions to maintain and improve quality.
- Adapt the entry profile of the student body to the required profile.
- Attract a volume of students adjusted to the number of places available.
- Promote training offers.
- Improve the planning and development of the degree programme.
- Improve the academic results of the degrees.
- Effective management of formative programmes.
- Improve the qualification of the PDI and the PAS.
- Improve interest groups satisfaction.
- Certify the implementation of the centre’s quality system.
The indicators and targets are specified in Annex 4 of the Quality Manual.