Orientation programme (academic and professional) for bachelor and master students during their stay at the School of Telecommunications Engineering.

What is orientaTE?

orientaTE is a set of opportunities offered to the students of the different degrees of the School to complement the regulated training with knowledge and tools for their professional practice:

Transversal and complementary training

Through a series of workshops, hackathons, capture-the-flag, courses or visits that add to the knowledge acquired in bachelor’s and master’s degree courses.

Orientation to the job market

Talks given by practicing professionals, many of them graduates of the School in previous years, who share their professional careers and their impressions of the labour market.

Mentoring towards the first professional steps

Senior professionals who, with their experience, act as professional mentors in the adaptation to working life of people who have completed their training.

What is it about?

orientaTE is the part of the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT- ANEAE) focused on students who are already settled in the School and who are interested in going further, seeking guidance in their technical and transversal training (soft skills), in their knowledge of the profession, or in the steps to design a work and/or academic career.


At the beginning of each course, you can register in the orientaTE programme through Moovi.

The different activities will be announced throughout the academic year through Moovi, as well as through this website:

  • Bootcamp “Full Stack Development for Engineers” by Campus Dual TIC
    • Ends on14/09/2023
  • Blockchain Course within the BlockGalicia Congress
    • 28/09/2023
  • Talk on “Radar and EW (Electronic Warfare) Systems at Indra, Radiofrequency Technologies, Digital Processing, and PCB Design”
    • 19/10/2023
  • Wokshop “Think Six Tour – 6G Channel Sounding”, Rhode-Schwarz
    • 6/11/2023
  • Artigo9Tech Event “IV Technology Conference for the Common Good of Education, Research, and Development Cooperation”
    • 01/12/2023
  • Nodo 5G Day – GaiásTech “IoT Networks Day”
    • 14/12/2023
  • Marine Instruments Workshop “Are you able to transmit data detected by a marine buoy to land?” (2nd edition)
    • 01/31/2024 to 02/28/2024
  • Technological Forum Talk: “Effective Speaking and Communication”
    • 19/02/2024
  • Technological Forum Talk: “Finishing University, and What Now?”
    • 22/02/2024
  • RENFE – LogiRAIL Talk “The Importance of Cybersecurity, Its Relationship with Artificial Intelligence, and Professional Opportunities in the Railway Sector”
    • 13/03/2024
  • Workshop “New Era: Holistic Security in Microsoft 365 and Automated Incident Response using AI”
    • 14/03/2024
  • Hackathon “Hack for Good 20”
    • 14, 15, and 16/03/2024

I don’t have much time, what would I commit to?

By signing up for the orientaTE programme, you have the opportunity to participate in the different proposals that make up the programme and receive recognition in the form of accreditation of the activity and, in some cases, as ECTS hours that will be incorporated into your file.

Sounds good. Is it for me?

If you are studying any degree of the School of Telecommunication Engineering, this is for you.

I still don’t totally understand it. Is there any more information?

If you would like more information about the programme in general or about any of its aspects, you can see this document and/or contact the Coordination of the School Tutorial Action Plan (teleco.pat@uvigo.es) to ask questions by e-mail or to arrange a face-to-face or virtual meeting in which we will try to clarify all your doubts.