The Tutorial Action Plan and Attention to Specific Educational Support Needs (PAT-ANEAE) is a tool through which the content and implementation of various actions related to university tutoring are designed.

The activities of PAT-ANEAE are aimed at all students of the School, with special attention given to newly enrolled students and those nearing the end of their studies. These are situations where having information to assist in decision-making during these stages becomes crucial, especially for individuals with specific needs.
At the School of Telecommunication Engineering, the activities of PAT-ANEAE are organized into five main programs:

This program is aimed primarily at prospective students, and it will help obtain first-hand information about the studies we offer before entering the school.
This information can be obtained in person or online via video conferences and can come, at the request of applicants, from telecommunications sector companies, school faculty, and current school students.

Curso 0 (Year 0) is a small voluntary program of activities designed to be carried out individually from home over the course of one week, prior to the start of the semester.

Integration Program, created in the academic year 2023-24, to support undergraduate students who join the School. Throughout the academic year, with special emphasis at the beginning of each semester, first-year students participate in activities that help them integrate into the School’s life and adapt to their new status: university students, adults, mature individuals.
These activities are included in the schedules of the first year to highlight their importance in the comprehensive education within the educational community of the School of Telecommunication Engineering

A centre plan, created in the 2021/22 academic year, which aims to establish a single strategy to improve the orientation of students during their stay at the School, both in the next steps in their academic career, as well as for their insertion in the labour market. The planning of orientaTE includes complementary training activities, such as visits to institutions and companies with training interest, talks by experts from the professional world on technical aspects and/or relevant to the transversal training of students (soft skills), as well as workshops on specific topics taught by specialists, or other similar initiatives (hackathons, capture-the-flag, etc.).
The participation of students in these activities is collected annually and is transferred to the Vice-Rectory of Students, for academic recognition according to current regulations.

The University Integration Program for Students with Specific Educational Support Needs (PIUNE) is provided by the University of Vigo and managed by UNATEN (Unit for Attention to Students with Specific Educational Support Needs). You can find more details about this initiative on the UNATEN website.
Students can enroll in the PIUNE program at the time of formalizing their enrollment in official studies at the University of Vigo, although there is an option to do it later. In this case, the registration will be processed with the help of the person in charge of PIUNE and/or the PAT-ANEAE of the center where the student is studying, with sufficient time to study it and determine the necessary measures.
At EET, we are particularly committed to equal opportunities and to facilitating the academic life of students with specific educational support needs. Therefore, you can reach out to us for assistance.
Questions or more information
Coordination of the Tutorial Action Plan
of the School of Telecommunication Engineering