SICUE is a national mobility programme of university students promoted by the CRUE. It enables Spanish students to enjoy a whole year in another university of the Spanish system.

How to participate

The EET has agreements with several universities, like the University of Valencia, the University of Málaga or the Technical University of Madrid, among others.

You can enjoy a stay up to 12 months by applying in the annual call of the University of Vigo. The spot assignation follows these criteria:

  • Academic record (average grade).
  • Additional requirements specified by the hosting university.

If you want to take part in the SICUE programme, you have to take into account:

If you are in the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering:

  • You need to feature at least between18 and 36 ECTS per semester in the hosting university.
  • You will have to sign a learning agreement with the person in charge of academic mobilities (Assistant Director of International Relationships of the EET).
  • You can include in the agreement any course of the GETT if its contents and skills are duly stated in the remote courses. In the case of the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (BTTE), the teaching language in the hosting university must be the same as in the home university.


Questions or more information

Assistant Director of International Relationships
of the School of Telecommunication Engineering