The School of Telecommunication Engineering launches a pilot plan to introduce the profession to pre-university students.

With the participation of faculty, students, and some of the leading companies in the sector

They will receive direct information, either in-person or online, about studies and career opportunities.

This academic year, the School of Telecommunications Engineering is adding a new initiative aimed at engaging with high school students who will soon need to choose their field of study. It’s called InformaTE, a pilot program designed to facilitate direct communication between students, families, and guidance counselors at secondary education centers and the school.

“We want them to receive first-hand information from our faculty, current students, and representatives from some of the leading companies in the telecommunications sector,” emphasizes the director, Rebeca P. Díaz. The goal is to be available to these students and help them directly address any questions they may have regarding the studies offered at the school and their career prospects.

“But what do you study in Telecom? What career opportunities will I have when I graduate?”

‘Telecom? But what exactly do you study in Telecom? What can I work in after I finish?’ These are some of the most frequently asked questions that school staff receive during open house events and other activities regularly organized for pre-university students. Now, the InformaTE team aims to answer these questions directly by engaging with prospective students “before they even join the school.”

As part of the Tutorial Action Plan, the program offers in-person or online (via video conference) meetings with the contact or institution that the student or family deems most appropriate: either with a telecommunications company to help them understand future professional opportunities, with school faculty members who can provide detailed information on the study programs, or, if preferred, with current students who can share information from a generationally closer perspective.

With the participation of some of the leading companies in the ICT sector

In this first year of the program, the InformaTE team includes some of the most prominent companies and technology centers in the sector that regularly collaborate with the school: Optare Solutions, Indra, Gradiant, Quobis, CTAG, atlanTTic, BorgWarner, Televés, and R. The team also includes seven faculty members from the school, such as the current director, Rebeca P. Díaz, and her predecessor, Íñigo Cuiñas, along with Felipe Gil, Manuel Caeiro, Óscar Rubiños, Soledad Torres, and Enrique Costa. Completing the team are two students from the Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering: David Sueiro and Anxo Gesto..

Source: DUVI, Código Cero