The EET bids farewell to the XI class of GETT/BTTE students, the IX class of MET, and the IV class of MUniCS

On June 7, 2024, we celebrated the graduation ceremony at the School of Telecommunication Engineering (EET) for the XI class of GETT/BTTE students, the IX class of MET students, and the IV class of MUniCS students.

Last Friday, June 7, we celebrated the graduation ceremony at the School of Telecommunication Engineering (EET) for:

  • 58 students from the XI class of the Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (GETT), and from the III class of the Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (BTTE),
  • 8 students from the IX class of the Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (MET), and
  • 7 students from the I and IV classes of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (MUniCS).

Congratulations on your hard work! We could not be prouder of each and every one of you, and we are delighted to have shared this educational journey with you. Now, it’s time to watch you embark on a future that we are confident will be filled with opportunities that you will undoubtedly seize!

Special thanks for being part of this celebration to Ms. Natalia Caparrini Marín, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Employability, Ms. Carmen Prego Pastoriza, People Manager at Centum Research & Technology, S.L., Mr. José Miguel Pascual Ruiz, Director CoC HW and R&T, Indra T&D, Mr. José Manuel Martínez, Dean of the Galician Association of Telecommunications Engineers (COETTGA) and President of AGGETT, and the Mayor of Vigo, Mr. Abel Caballero. And of course, to the School Director, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, the sponsors Ms. María Dolores Valdés Peña (GETT), Mr. Ignacio Alonso Alonso (GETT), Mr. Manuel Fernández Veiga (MET), and Ms. Ana Fernández Vilas (MUniCS), as well as the student representatives Ms. Henar Marino Bodelón and Mr. Carlos Calvo Moa.

Thank you also to everyone who joined us for this celebration.

Many thanks to the two ConexionTeleco companies that sponsor this event. In the photos, our students look very elegant in the sweatshirt we gave them, so they can keep us close to their hearts. It features a design by Luis Davila and was sponsored by Indra. We also thank CENTUM Research & Technology for co-sponsoring the snacks we enjoyed after the ceremony.