Research groups are basic structures for the development of research activity. They are the result of the free and voluntary grouping of researchers who carry out ─due to coincidence of objectives, infrastructures and shared resources─ in a coordinated and regular way research tasks in a reduced number of common, related or complementary areas.
The groups are committed to stability, consolidation, joint work and sustainable financial capacity. This collaboration that may result in better treatment and higher performance of scientific or technical work.
Currently in the School of Telecommunication Engineering there are about 20 research groups working in different fields and areas:
Field of telecommunication technologies

Communications and systems
- Radar and remote sensing
- Satellite and radio communications
- Aerospace and defence systems
- Photonics and optical communications
- Data networks

Digital services
- Digital health
- Digital education
- Smart electronic services
- Multimedia technologies
- Data management (data networks)
- Solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Biomedical signals analysis

- Multimedia security
- Privacy
- Cryptography and quantum communications
Field of electronic technology

- Power electronics
- Renewable energies
- Electroacoustic sensors
- Industrial control systems
- Energy storage based on ultracapacitors
Field of applied mathematics

- Differential equations and numerical simulation
- Simulation and control
- Machine learning and federated solutions
Field of new materials

- Biomaterials and biomedicine
- Semiconductor and surface processes
- Chiral optical materials