The GreenIT project developed at the School, first Erasmus Mundus Action 2 coordinated by UVigo

GreenIT for the benefit of civil society was the full name of the project financed by the European Union, under the Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation, action 2, promoted by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency). 

Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo coordinated the project, being the first of this call to be developed with coordination from the University of Vigo. It had a budget of more than four million euros, a consortium of 20 universities (10 European and 10 North African) and a duration of four years. The project focused on the scientific and technological fields, in the search for sustainable social development. The work generated the mobility of 185 people (students, teachers and researchers) between the entities of the consortium.

The main objective of this project is to promote the economic and social development of third countries through cooperation in higher education and R&D, fostering excellence in North African academic institutions and contributing to better governance and social cohesion in these countries.