Our colleague, Professor Fernando Pérez González, became the first telecommunications engineer to join the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences. Since January 2019 he is also part of the board of the RAGC.
In his words, “In addition to the honor of being elected as a member of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences, it also means assuming a commitment to the mission of the institution, which is to promote science, technology and their influence on society, disseminating scientific culture and values, creating opinion from independence, to contribute to the social and economic development of Galicia. The RAGC develops a large number of activities in this sense: lecture series, talks in schools, the Science Day in Galicia, where a tribute is paid to an outstanding Galician scientist who has passed away, the Academy’s research medals, science popularization awards, science journalism awards, awards for technology transfer in Galicia, and a long etcetera. The RAGC also prepares reports on the situation and evolution of Galician science. From the new board of directors we gave a huge encouragement to the activities promoted by the institution and we adapt to the needs of the Society; thus, for example, we organize cycles of conferences on Covid-19, the latest advances in knowledge on cancer or on the circular economy.”

- See the news of the inauguration ceremony on the RAGC website.
- Go to the image gallery of the inauguration..
Press information:
- Faro de Vigo “Fernando Pérez, professor from Vigo, joins the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences“
- Atlántico Diario:”Professor Fernando Perez joins the Galician Academy of Sciences“
- La Voz de Galicia: “Fernando Pérez González: ‘It is easier to bring a player to Spain for a second division team than a scientist’“