It is a compulsory course planned for the second year (second semester) with an academic load of 30 ECTS.
- MET TFM milestones calendar (2024-2025)
- MET TFM jury composition (2024-2025)
- EET Regulations for the MET TFM
The TFM is presented oral and written in English and for its defence it is necessary to have earned all the other credits of the programme.
A TFM topic can be proposed by any PDI of the EET (DOC | PDF), in a coordinated way between any student and any teacher of the centre (DOC | PDF), or in a coordinated way between any student, any teacher and a company (DOC | PDF).
The evaluation of the TFM follows the rubric below, approved by the EET in the regulations related to this course:
The reports of all MET TFMs defended at the EET are publicly accessible through the following repository.
Doubts regarding the TFM?
You can contact with the Coordination of Final Degree Projects at the following email address