The Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (MQIST) conforms a strategic alliance between the universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo in terms of postgraduate studies in this field.

We are starting the second quantum revolution, which intends to take advantage of the control on quantum phenomena gained in the last two decades to create effective and revolutionary technologies in different fields, specially in information management. This new science will create important opportunities linked to simulation technologies, sensors, computing, communications and cryptography. The expected applications include the efficient management of Big Data, the solution of exponential combinatorial problems, the computer design of molecules and drugs, the implementation of unconditionally secret communications and the creation of safe passwords or the possibility of measuring physical quantities more accurately. The quantum information science and technology is bound to be one of the pillars of the future communications and computing.
The Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (MQIST) conforms a strategic alliance between the universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo in terms of postgraduate studies in the boundaries of technology, with a rigorous and extensive approach from the science principles (physics, mathematics and computing) to application problems in the industrial world.
The master is compound of 60 ECTS divided into modules and two semesters. It has a common scientific part and a wide range of elective courses arranged in three areas: quantum information, quantum computing and quantum communications.
Why should I study this degree?
The mission of the MQIST is to train a new generation of high-qualified scientific specialists and technologists in the areas of computing and quantum processing of information. The European Union has just declared quantum technology as a scientific and technological priority with the launching of the Quantum Flagship programme, aimed to develop the European quantum initiative. Companies and big corporations (Google, Amazon, Microsoft,…) are also strongly investing in laboratories to gain advantage in this new technology. This master enables people who studied a science, engineering or computer degree to obtain advanced knowledge to build a career in this domain.
The MQIST objectives are:
- Providing a specialised and advanced training in Quantum Information Science and Technologies that qualifies students to join technological companies and competitive research teams.
- Providing up-to-date knowledge of the development of a field in constant growth, as well as of their main agents.
- Implant skills in one or several branches of quantum technologies: computing, communications, metrology, etc.
- Introducing students to research topics that enable them to elaborate a doctoral thesis.
Who is this master’s degree aimed for?
The recommended entry profile are graduates in the field of sciences (mostly physics, but also chemistry, mathematics, nanoscience and nanotechnology and other related degrees) and engineering (mostly computer and telecommunications engineering, but also industrial, aerospace and physical engineering or other related degrees).
More precisely, knowledge on mathematics (linear algebra, analysis, probability) is needed and knowledge on basic programming desirable.
Professional environment
The progress of quantum science and technology is one of the areas in which the European Union focuses efforts to lead and healp to create new highly competitive companies in communications, computing and measurement. Within the European area, companies like Airbus Defence and Space, Alcatel Lucent, ASML, Bosch, IBM, Nokia, IMEC, Safran, Siemens or Thales have great interest in quantum information and smaller high-technology companies like e2v, Gooch & Housego, ID Quantique, M Squared Lasers, Lux Quanta, Muquans, Single Quantum or Toptica hold prominent positions in their specific markets. In the middle and long term, as predicted by the IEC, the emergence of companies specialised in the creation of solutions based on quantum information and computing will be a consequence of a 50% growth of the QIST market.
Professional and academic opportunities
- Quantum computing scientists and engineers.
- Specialists in quantum communications, networks and Internet.
- Specialists in metrology, sensing and calibration with quantum instruments.
- Specialists in quantum algorithms for finances, biology, AI and large-escale optimisation.
- Design and management of classic-quantum information systems.
- Design and engineering of quantum computers.
- Quantum information scientists and engineers.
Collaborating companies and institutions
- atlanTTiC
Manuel Fernández Veiga
Coordinator of the master
School of Telecommunication Engineering
Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 – Vigo (Pontevedra)