Today, more than half of the world’s population is connected to the Internet, which has brought more interdependence and opportunities, but also more vulnerability and insecurity. As a discipline, cybersecurity comprises the set of principles, techniques and regulations that prevent the malicious use of data, machines or information, which is one of the technological priorities of our time.

The Interuniversity Master in Cybersecurity from the University of Vigo and the University of A Coruña is a specialised study programme that offers a rigorous and extensive professional training in this field, from fundamentals to applications, from mechanisms to legislation, and from concepts to real business problems.
The training program consists of 90 ECTS, divided into three semesters. The first year focuses on technical subjects, while the last semester is dedicated to legal and management aspects, internships in companies, and the final Master’s Thesis (TFM).
Why should I study this degree?
The mission of this degree is to train highly qualified professionals in all technical, organisational, operational and forensic processes related to digital security. The institution (ISC)2 estimates that in the coming years there will be more than 1.5 million specialist positions in this field that cannot be filled. This is the present that is transforming the professional landscape and this master’s degree allows both newcomers to the ICT field and experienced professionals to specialise in this area.
The MUniCS is:
- A complete, comprehensive and extensive study programme.
- Provides general training followed by extensive hands-on training in the lab and at partner companies.
- Provides an orientation to cybersecurity applications in real-world environments.
- Provides opportunities for collaboration with industry and collaboration between research and companies in different fields.
- Provides a study and work environment open to collaboration between various disciplines.
- Provides high qualification in all technical, organisational, operational and forensic processes related to digital security.
Who is this master’s degree aimed for?
The recommended profile for the master’s degree is that of a bachelor’s or master’s graduate in a subject directly related to information and communications technologies, preferably a degree in computer engineering or a degree in telecommunication engineering. This degree facilitates the incorporation in the sector of both recent graduates and experienced professionals who wish to focus their professional career on cybersecurity. In the latter case, part-time enrolment is facilitated to make it possible to combine the master’s degree studies with the working life.
Professional and academic opportunities
This master’s degree provides advanced training, enabling students to perform tasks in both defensive security teams (“Blue Team”) and offensive security teams (“Red Team”). It also covers legal and management aspects in the field of cybersecurity, which complement the students’ knowledge.
Teaching has a strong practical orientation, focused on problem solving in applied environments.
Professional environment
According to studies of employment insertion of graduates of this master’s degree, a significant percentage work in companies or public administrations that develop their activity in Galicia. The ICT market here can be considered peculiar within the economic reality of the community, since it has a significant number of companies of varying sizes in the sector of interest.
There is also a growing number of medium or small companies that provide consulting, auditing or management services in the areas of systems, equipment and software security for other companies or institutions in Galicia, in the rest of Spain or, even, foreign corporations, since we are in an area where remote activity is not only possible but also very common.
Professional and academic opportunities
- Specialists in design and implementation of Information Security Management Systems.
- Specialists in securing networks and telecommunication systems.
- Specialists in secure application design and implementation.
- System fortification specialists (defensive security).
- Corporate security analysts specialized in offensive techniques.
- IoT and IIoT security specialists.
- Malware analysts.
- Forensic analysts.
- Security auditing.
Collaborating companies and institutions
- Altia
- Gradiant
- Forensic & Security S.L.
- Laboratorio de Informática Forense Europeo (LIFe)
- SIA an Indra company
- SREC. Solutions
Ana Fernández Vilas
Master’s Coordinator
School of Telecommunication Engineering
Campus Lagoas-Marcosende
36310 – Vigo (Pontevedra)