The processes of selection, admission and enrolment of students in the degree programme in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering are defined in the procedures established by the Xunta de Galicia and are common to the entire Galician University System.
This access is carried out in accordance with Royal Decree 412/2014 of 6th June, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official undergraduate university education.
Common access requirements
Those who meet any of the requirements established in article 3 of the Royal Decree mentioned above are eligible for admission to official undergraduate studies. These are:
- Being in possession of the baccalaureate degree and pass the baccalaureate evaluation for university access (ABAU).
- Being in possession of a higher technical degree in vocational training, a higher technical degree in plastic arts and design or a higher technical degree in sports.
- Passing the university entrance exams for those over 25.
- Passing the university entrance exams for those over 45.
- Holding an university degree or equivalent.
- Obtaining the title of European Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate or titles, diplomas or baccalaureate studies of educational systems of member states of the European Union or other states with signedinternational agreements.
- People who were able to access the university according to Spanish Educational System regulations prior to the Organic Law 8/2013.
- Students coming from other official studies taken in Spain may apply for the recognition of credits in the administration of the centre where the degree they wish to study is taught and obtain the recognition of a minimum of 30 ECTS credits and meet the requirements established in art.3 of Royal Decree 412/2014 and in the University’s Academic Management Regulations.
If the student does not obtain recognition, they must be included in the general admission process.
The ABAU tests are organised for the entire Galician university system by a joint commission between the Xunta de Galicia and the three Galician universities, the Galician Interuniversity Commission (CIUG).
Registration for the ABAU is done through the computer application NERTA and, when appropriate, in the places of delivery and collection of documents LERD, in any of the seven campuses of Galicia.
Access and admission criteria
There are no access criteria other than those derived from the limited number of new admission places and those established by current legislation for undergraduate studies.
The CIUG is responsible for publishing the admission criteria and procedures for undergraduate degrees in the Galician University System for each academic year on its website.
Recommended entry profile
The School does not have its own competences for the selection of students for undergraduate degrees, apart from the regulations set by UVigo itself. However, it is possible to define a series of general characteristics that students should have in order to face the studies leading to the GETT degree with guarantees of success. They can be summarised as follows:
- Prospective students should have a good mathematical and physics background and basic knowledge of English, since most of the bibliography is in this language and especially because some of the electives will be taught in English (although there is always the option of taking the electives in the official languages of the University).
- Among the possible orientations of the LOMLOE Baccalaureate (and previous LOMCE Baccalaureate), the modality of sciences is considered to be the most suitable for accessing the degree. With respect to the previous baccalaureate LOE, the most appropriate modality is that of Science and Technology. These formative pathways imply a previous orientation of the student towards the degrees in the field of Engineering.
- In addition, all students who pass higher education courses will have access to the programme. The latter, according to the annual agreements signed by the University of Vigo and the Xunta de Galicia, may have credits recognised depending on the studies completed in these training cycles. It is recommended to the possible new students to take courses of the professional families “Image and Sound”, “Electricity and Electronics” or “Computer Science and Communications”.
- From the point of view of personal skills and aptitudes, students should have:
- Study skills and willingness to work.
- Abstraction skills.
- Synthesis and analysis skills.
- Innovative and creative skills.
- Relationship and communication skills.
- Basic social skills for teamwork.
- Curiosity and open-mindedness.
- Ease of adapting to technological changes.
- Interest in new information technologies (computer science, electronics, physics, mathematics, etc.).
Welcome process and admission guidance
More information about your experience with us is provided in the link below.
Applicable regulations and standards
To know in detail the rules and regulations related to the studies at UVigo, click here. Highlighted links:
- General enrolment information
- Bachelor’s Degree enrolment information
- Recognition and transfer of credits
- Academic management rules for bachelor’s degree programmes
- Rules for continuance and progress in official bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes.
- Mobility
- Regulations for the completion of the UVigo final degree project