Are you a technology teacher and want to take part in this initiative with your highschool or vocational training students? Are you a highschool or vocational training student and want to experience the potential of telecommunications? If that is so, this olympiad is for you.

What is it?

It is a initiative stemming from 20 telecommunication engineering schools from all Spain and the COITT, the Spanish official telecommunication engineer association.

Its general purpose is the promotion of the telecommunication engineering by showing how it affects many fields in our daily life and improves its quality. It focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals or SDG. This year the Goal 3: Health has been selected.

Participate in the II Olympiad!

In the 2nd edition, you can participate in teams or individually. In the following link, you will find information about the different modes and competition categories, as well as the prizes that you and your institution can win:

Do you want to know how the 1st edition went?

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Sponsors of the local competition