At EET, we offer practical and project-oriented training in two bachelor’s degrees (one of them in English), four master’s degrees and a doctorate programme. It is good to know that the school’s close ties with the business world allow our students to participate in paid internships and final projects while they are still studying with us.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering/Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación (GETT) is a multidisciplinary degree in which you will acquire solid skills in communications, programming and electronics, so demanded today in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. It consists of four mentions or specialities (Telecommunication Systems, Telematics, Sound and Image and Electronic Systems). If you want to obtain two of these mentions, you can do so by studying an additional 18 ECTS (three courses) to the 240 ECTS of the degree (four academic years).
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We also offer this degree in English, Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (BTTE), with more than 80% of the compulsory courses in English and in small groups of no more than 20 students.
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The Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (MET) consists of 120 ECTS (two academic years), in which you can specialise in Telematics, Signal Processing for Communications, Radiocommunication and Electronics. You will get a practical and advanced training that enables you to work as a Telecommunications Engineer, one of the most demanded professions. You can access directly from GETT/BTEE. If you have a degree in another engineering, you can consult the conditions of access by contacting the coordination of the master’s degree.
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The Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (MUniCS) consists of 90 ECTS (one and a half academic years) in which you will be trained as a highly qualified professional in all technical, organisational, operational and forensic processes related to digital security. The teaching is given in a face-to-face way coordinated at the University of Vigo and the University of A Coruña during the first year, leaving the last four-month period dedicated to internships in companies (mandatory) and to the final degree project.
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The Master’s Degree in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (MQIST) consists of 60 ECTS (one academic year) in which you will be trained as a highly qualified scientific specialist and technologist in the areas of computing and quantum processing of information. This master’s degree is taught jointly by the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña and Vigo.
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The International Master’s Degree in Computer Vision (imcv) consists of 90 ECTS (one and a half academic years) in which you will be trained as an expert in image and video processing techniques, as well as in their application in areas such as Artificial Intelligence. This master’s degree is taught jointly by the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of A Coruña, the University of Vigo and the University of Porto.
The Master’s Degree in Industrial Mathematics (M2i) consists of 90 ECTS (one and a half academic years) in which you will be trained as an expert in the construction of solutions to industrial problems from a mathematical perspective. It consists of two specialities: Modeling and Numerical Simulation, and it is taught jointly by the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of A Coruña, the University of Vigo, the University Carlos III of Madrid and the Polytechnic University of Madrid.