The School of Telecommunication Engineering is located in the University Campus of Vigo, in the area of Lagoas-Marcosende, around 15 km from the center of Vigo. The coordinates of its location are:
Google Maps view:
How to get there?
The School can be reached by private transport ─the map above helps to find the best route─ or by public bus:
Address and phone numbers:
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Campus Universitario de Vigo (Lagoas-Marcosende, s/n)
36310. Vigo (Pontevedra). España
+34 986 812 100
Academic Area (bachelor studies)
+34 986812101
Academic Area (postgraduate studies)
+34 986812102
Detailed information on other areas (financial affairs, administration, etc.) can be found under the button