Governing bodies are structures of the centre whose function is to organise and manage teaching, propose new degrees, participate in the selection of teaching and research staff, carry out collaborative activities with public or private entities, organise relations between departments and with other centres, manage services and equipment, as well as budget allocation, manage a quality assurance system, promote an egalitarian environment free of any type of harassment or violence, etc.
The School of Telecommunication Engineering has the following governing bodies:
School Board (XdE)
It is the collegiate body for representation and decision of the centre, with the powers attributed to it by the Statutes of the University of Vigo and by the Internal Regulations of the School.
It is formed by the director, who chairs it, and a group of people assigned to the centre:
- Management team.
- All the teaching staff with permanent links to the University, which will constitute 51% of the School Board.
- A representation (elected by vote) of the teaching and research staff not permanently linked to the University, which will correspond to 9% of the School Board. In any case, at least 80% shall correspond to full-time teaching and research staff.
- A representation (elected by vote) of the student body, which will constitute 30% of the School Board.
- A representation (elected by vote) of the administration and services staff, which will constitute 10% of the School’s Board.
The members of the School Board are renewed every two years.
Last call for XdE
XdE Agreements
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
- Elaborating, approving and modificating the proposal of its internal rules of procedure.
- Electing and revocating the director.
- Implementating and monitoring the study plans.
- Caring for the proper functioning of all the organs and services of the centre.
- Resolving the conflicts that may arise in the centre.
- Promoting and organising the completion of TFG and TFM final projects and the complementary teachings and activities required to obtain the degrees.
- Proposing and applying the rules for the selection of students and the evaluation of their performance and achievement.
- Preparing and coordinating, in an effective and appropriate manner, the timetable of the different courses, monographic courses, specialisation courses, partial and final exams, distribution of classrooms and services and complementary teaching, as well as the implementation of measures to control the fulfillment of teaching obligations.
- Distributing the spaces assigned to it.
Quality Committee (CC)
It is a collegiate body that supervises and promotes the different systems and processes related to quality (SGC, monitoring of programmes related to quality improvement in the centre and affiliated degrees, etc.). The Quality Committee must have a balanced composition between women and men and will be composed, at least, by the following members:

Further information about the presentation of the Quality Assurance System (SGC).
- Quality Sub-dean, who chairs it.
- Dean of the centre.
- Secretary of the centre, who acts as secretary of the Committee.
- Coordinator or the person they delegate in for each of the centre’s bachelor’s degrees.
- Coordinator or the person they delegate in for each of the centre’s master’s degrees.
- Equality manager.
- PAT Coordinator.
- A representative of the faculty.
- Representatives of the administration of DTSC, DET, DTE and DMA-II departments.
- A representative of the bachelor’s degree students.
- A representative of the master’s degree students.
- A representative of the graduate students.
- Administrator of the centre or person delegated by them.
- A representative of the society.
Last call for CC
CC Agreements
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
- Discussing and validating, if appropriate, the proposed quality policy and objectives.
- Discussing and validating, if appropriate, the proposed quality manual and procedures of the centre’s SGC.
- Monitoring the different programmes related to quality improvement in the centre and affiliated degrees, as well as to propose the pertinent improvements.
- Collaborating with the implementation, development and monitoring of the QMS.
- Discussing, proposing and monitoring quality improvement actions, in order to continuously improve the quality of teaching in all means and processes that influence it, through constant collaboration with the departments and other collegiate bodies that have responsibilities in this area.
- Actively participating in all academic processes related to the training offer of the center (new degrees, modification, suspension or termination of existing ones), preparing an assessment report if they consider it appropriate or if it is appropriate in accordance with current regulations.
- Exchanging, discussing and proposing the participation of the centre in institutional, national and international quality plans.
Academic Committees
The academic committees are responsible, among other responsibilities, for ensuring adequate coordination between the modules/courses of a degree programme. There is an academic committee for each of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees assigned to this School. The composition of these committees is regulated and approved by the School Board, taking into account the rules set out in the corresponding degree report.
Commitees’ tasks:
- Monitoring the compliance of teaching and academic activities (class and tutoring schedules, preparation and approval of subject teaching guides) and ensuring the availability of space (classrooms, laboratories, video conferencing equipment, etc.), in coordination with the centre.
- Selecting admitted students.
- Issuing a report for the recognition of credits in accordance with the University of Vigo regulations.
- Elaborating the POD/PDA of the degree within the deadline established by the university.
- Analysing the different proposals for improvement.
- Establishing basic evaluation criteria.
- Organising joint activities that affect more than one course.
- Managing and reporting the validation of courses for students coming from other degrees.
- Elaborating the regulations for the TFG or TFM final projects.
- Managing the realization of internships in companies by students.
- Managing all matters related to double degrees.
- All other tasks established and approved by the School Board.
List of Committees
CAG – AC Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (GETT)
CAG Agreements:
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
CAM – AC Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (MET)
CAM Agreements:
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
AC Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (MUniCS)
Interuniversity master’s degree between the University of Vigo (coordinating entity) and the University of A Coruña.
CA-MUniCS Agreements:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
AC Master’s Degree in Industrial Mathematics ( M2I)
Interuniversity master’s degree between the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of A Coruña, the University of Vigo, the University Carlos III of Madrid and the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This master’s degree works with an interuniversity commission.
- Contact: José Durany Castrillo
AC International Master’s Degree in Computer Vision ( IMCV)
Interuniversity master’s degree between the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of A Coruña, the University of Vigo and the University of Porto. This master’s degree works with an interuniversity commission.
- Contact: José Luis Alba Castro
AC Doctorate Programme in Information and Communication Technologies (Doc-TIC)
The centre’s doctorate programme is governed by an academic commission representative of the different lines of research.
- Contact: Manuel García Sánchez
Permanent Committee
The function of the Permanent Committee is to prepare the decisions of the School Board through the study and previous reports on the matters corresponding to its areas of competence. The rules of operation of this committee are the same as those specified for the School Board.
The reports issued by this committee shall not be binding with regard to the decisions of the School Board.
This committee shall also be responsible for informing or preparing proposals on matters within its scope that are submitted to it by the Director or the School Board.