Quality Manual
The SGIC basic document implemented in the School is the Quality Manual, which defines the general characteristics of the system, the requirements it meets, its scope and the references to the generic documentation on which it is based or the procedures that develop it.
- Quality Manual (approved on 11/03/2015)
- Annex 1: Current procedures list (approved on 4/05/2016)
- Annex 2: Quality distribution list (approved on 11/03/2015)
- Annex 3: Glossary (approved on 11/03/2015)
- Annex 4: Centre’s quality policy and objectives (approved on 16/12/2020)
Justification of the objectives: see annual monitoring of degrees and review by management and minutes of the quality committee. - Annex 5: Centre’s official degrees (approved on 11/03/2015)
The following map shows the procedures referenced in the EET Internal Quality Assurance System Manual.

Procedures list
Strategic management
- DE01. Strategic planning and development. Index 04 | 11/03/2015
- DE02. Monitoring and measurement. Index 05 | 24/01/2024
- DE03. System review by management. Index 05 | 18/12/2024
Quality management and continuous improvement
- MC02. Complaints, suggestions and compliments management. Index 05 | 18/12/2024
- MC05. User satisfaction. Index 0516/12/2020
Training programme management
- DO-0101-P1. Design, verification, modification and accreditation of official degrees. Index 06 | 24/01/2024
- DO-0102-P1. Follow-up and improvement of degrees. Index 05 | 24/01/2024
- DO-0103-P1. Suspension and termination of a degree. Index 04 | 15/05/2013
Teaching planning and development
- DO-0201-P1. Teaching planning and development. Index 05 | 20/12/2017
- DO-0202-P1. Degree promotion. Index 04 | 15/05/2013
- DO-0203-P1. Guidance for students and attention to specific educational support needs. Index 05 | 22/09/2021
- DO-0204. Internships management. Index 05 | 18/12/2024
- D0-0205-P1. Mobility management. Index 04 | 15/05/2013
Public information and accountability
- DO-0301-P1. Public information and accounting. Index 05 | 16/12/2020
Academic Management
- AC-01. Admission, Progress, and Issuance of Official Degrees. Index 03 | 18/12/2024
Document management
- XD-01-P1. Document and Record control. Index 02 | 24/01/2024
Staff management
- PE-01-P1. PAS management. Index 4 | 20/12/2017
- PE-02-P1. PDI management. Index 05 | 24/01/2024
Infrastructure management
- IA-01. Material resources and services management. Index 00 | 11/12/2019
- Monitoring and control of teaching procedures
R2 DO-0201 P1 | 11/03/2015, XE
- Annex I: Modification of the examination date record.
PDF | Word - Annex II: Attendance report.
PDF | Word - Annex III: Professor absence for an evaluation test record.
PDF | Word - Annex IV: Examination review attendance record.
PDF | Word - Annex V: Professor absence for a tutoring session record.
PDF | Word - Annex VI: Incidents in the teaching duties record.
PDF | Word