Elas Fan CienTec 2025 at the EET

Image Detectives and Robotics at the School of Telecommunication Engineering

The School of Telecommunication Engineering welcomed a group of nearly 60 female students from IES Castelao in Vigo.

Divided into two teams, they had the opportunity to visit the Acoustics and Signal Processing laboratories and participate in two workshops:

  • Image Detectives: This workshop introduced the students to the growing presence of manipulated images used to spread false information online. They learned how image processing can help take a “closer look” beyond what the human eye perceives and, with some luck, detect inconsistencies that distinguish real from fake images. The students received a brief introduction to forensic image analysis and had the opportunity to explore some of the tools available for detecting such manipulations.
  • Robotics with CuteBot: In this workshop, the students attended a class where they learned to program—from basic to more advanced tasks—such as following a line, moving while avoiding obstacles, and even automatically turning lights on or off based on ambient light conditions. 

Fonte: Duvi.