The Tutorial Action Plan (PAT- ANEAE) of the EET consists of two programs: integraTE, for the reception and integration of first-year students, and orientaTE, to enhance university studies with complementary training activities. It also covers attention to students with specific needs and educational support (PIUNE).

OrientaTE offers workshops, lectures, company visits, training in transversal competencies, etc. Together with integraTE, the two programmes can help the students of the centre to orient themselves towards professional activities.

Schedule of activities for the 2023/24 academic year

The tentative schedule of integraTE meetings for the 2023-24 academic year is as follows (any modification will be notified through this page and Moovi):

  • 1st semester:
    • Monday, September 11th
      • Welcome event
      • Get to know the School
    • Tuesday, September 12th
      • Time management and study techniques workshop
    • Thursday, September 14th
      • Character strengths and motivation
    • October, date to be confirmed
      • Emotional intelligence, self-awareness, emotional management
  • 2nd semester:
    • First week
      • Self-esteem, relationships, and communication
    • February
      • Teamwork and leadership
    • April
      • Closure

For the 2023-24 academic year, we have scheduled a series of activities within the orientaTE programme:

  • Bootcamp “Full Stack Development for Engineers” by Campus Dual TIC
    • Ends on14/09/2023
  • Blockchain Course within the BlockGalicia Congress
    • 28/09/2023
  • Talk on “Radar and EW (Electronic Warfare) Systems at Indra, Radiofrequency Technologies, Digital Processing, and PCB Design”
    • 19/10/2023
  • Wokshop “Think Six Tour – 6G Channel Sounding”, Rhode-Schwarz
    • 6/11/2023
  • Artigo9Tech Event “IV Technology Conference for the Common Good of Education, Research, and Development Cooperation”
    • 01/12/2023
  • Nodo 5G Day – GaiásTech “IoT Networks Day”
    • 14/12/2023
  • Marine Instruments Workshop “Are you able to transmit data detected by a marine buoy to land?” (2nd edition)
    • 01/31/2024 to 02/28/2024
  • Technological Forum Talk: “Effective Speaking and Communication”
    • 19/02/2024
  • Technological Forum Talk: “Finishing University, and What Now?”
    • 22/02/2024
  • RENFE – LogiRAIL Talk “The Importance of Cybersecurity, Its Relationship with Artificial Intelligence, and Professional Opportunities in the Railway Sector”
    • 13/03/2024
  • Workshop “New Era: Holistic Security in Microsoft 365 and Automated Incident Response using AI”
    • 14/03/2024
  • Hackathon “Hack for Good 20”
    • 14, 15, and 16/03/2024

PAT-ANEAE activities