About a hundred 5th and 6th-grade students from the La Doblada and Párroco don Camilo schools in Vigo visited the School of Telecommunication Engineering (EET) on Friday, March 1, 2024, to participate in the workshop “Elas Fan TIC.” This new activity aims to promote technological vocations among girls and reduce the gender digital gap.
Girls and boys took part in a one-and-a-half-hour introductory robotics workshop. In teams of three students, they tackled the assembly of a small robot (CuteBot) and programmed it to overcome a challenge. They received assistance from a large team of male and female students from the school.
Nos obradoiros participaron alumnas e alumnos de dous colexios de Vigo
A maior parte dos obradoiros foron impartidos por alumnas da propia escola
Un grupo de alumnas ao rematar o obradoiro
With this activity, the center brings forward the celebration of the International Day of Girls in Information and Communication Technologies to the month of March. This day is officially observed on April 22nd, with the aim of encouraging girls to consider the possibility of pursuing studies and careers in the field of technology. In Vigo, we marked this occasion with the organization of this workshop, coordinated by Professor Soledad Torres, Equality Liaison at the EET, and sponsored by the Indra-UVigo Chair in Engineering and Technology, which includes a line of outreach and awareness on technology and equality.
Source DUVI.
Media outlets like Faro de Vigo reported on this workshop.